You may see a few more “Loading…” images today. Several prominent companies are participating in Internet Slowdown Day. While they’re not actually throttling their sites, they are featuring those images in order to make a point: without net neutrality, much of the Internets could slow to a crawl.
The demonstration is part of a larger effort to persuade the FCC to enact stronger protections for net neutrality. Some Internet Service Providers would like to create “Fast lanes” in which websites can pay for higher priority and faster traffic. Sites that don’t pay the premium will perform poorer than those that do. It may surprise you to learn that Your JoeDog doesn’t have pockets as deep as Microsoft. In a fast-lane universe, his site will resemble a sleeping tortoise.
Thus far, more than a million comments were submitted to the FCC. The vast majority of them support net neutrality. You still have time to add your voice. Comments are open until September 15th.