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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

up arrow Creating Config Files For sh Scripts

Your JoeDog uses mondorescue for bare-metal Linux restoration. We use mondorestore to recover the OS and Net Backup to recover its content. Since we’re only concerned about archiving the OS for bare-metal recovery, it’s necessary to exclude directories when we run mondoarchive.

My exclude requirement varies from server to server so I wanted to build the list dynamically. As a coder, I have religious aversion to altering scripts for the purpose of configuring them. If we set config variables inside the script, then we have a different version on every server. That’s a paddlin’.

For my mondoarchive script, I developed a pretty slick way to read a configuration file and build an exclude list. The list is configured in a conf file that ignores comment lines and superfluous white space. A typical configuration looks like this:

# This file is maintained by the Puppet Master 
# This is the exclude list for mondoarchive Directories inside
# this list will not be archived for bare metal recovery.

My mondoarchive script builds a string of pipe separated directories like this:


Since very few of you will have a similar usecase, I wrote an example that reads the file into a sh array. This version will loop through the array and print each one.

# An example script that reads a list from a config
# file into a sh script array.
# Read the directory list from $CONF
if [[ -e $CONF ]] ; then
  while read line ; do
    # XXX: Use awk's substr on older systems like
    # HPUX which don't support the above syntax.
    # chr=$(echo $line | awk '{print substr($1,0,1)}')
    case $chr in
       # ignore comments
       if [[ ${#line} -gt 2 ]] ; then
         if [[ -z $LIST ]] ; then
         LIST="$LIST $line"
  done < $CONF
  echo "$0: [error] unable to locate $CONF"
let X=1
for I in $LIST ; do
  echo "$X: $I"
  let X=$X+1

Let’s run this bad boy and see what happens:

$ sh haha
1: /tmp
2: /etc
3: /usr/local
4: /data/mrepo

If some of the concepts listed don’t make sense, then you might want to see our sh scripting cheat sheet. It will help you understand things like ‘-e $CONF’ and sh script arrays. Happy hacking.

UPDATE: Given the introduction to this post, it’s likely that many of you have arrived here in search of a mondoarchive backup script. Well, we won’t let you leave empty handed. You can grab my archive script here: Mondo Rescue Archive Script

This script builds both NFS recoverable archives and DVD images to an NFS mounted volume. Here’s its usage banner:

Usage: archiver [-c|-n]
Requires either a '-c' or a '-n' argument
  -c      create a CD Rom archive
  -n      create an NFS archive